Cci school care policy

University of Virginia School of Nursing

CCI Learning Series Returns with "Making Room for Rest and Recovery in Healthcare"

Presented by Dr. Courtney McCluney - Join us 9/10 at 12PM

University of Virginia School of Nursing

Take Action: Healthcare Provider Protection Act

Wisdom & Wellbeing founder Dr. Richard Westphal urges action

University of Virginia School of Nursing

VIDEO: "Healing Healthcare"

A conversation between U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy and CCI Director Lili Powell

University of Virginia School of Nursing

'Thoughts from the Lawn': I Feel Like a Speck

CCI Director writes about the wonder and power of nature

Through education, research & outreach, CCI grows: Wellbeing, Collaboration, Leadership, Healthy Work & Learning Environments, and Compassionate Care

New Professional Development Opportunity Coming Soon!

The "Compassionate Communities and Curricula" program aims to support Schools of Nursing faculty and administrators explore and answer the question: How can a school of nursing become a credible model of a healthy work and learning environment and infuse curricula with learning experiences that support students’ ability to flourish as learners and nurses?

Learn more about the program and sign-up to be the first to know when the program is available, here.