Future tenses quiz 1

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I _________________ my friends for dinner after work tomorrow.
  1. ? will meet
  2. ? am meeting
  3. ? am going to meet
I haven't made any plans for Easter. I____________ at home.
  1. ? am going to stay
  2. ? will probably stay
  3. ? am staying
'The phone's ringing.'
'OK, I_______________ it.
  1. ? 'll answer
  2. ? am going to answer
  3. ? am answering
I________________ for my exam on Sunday afternoon.
  1. ? will revise
  2. ? am going to revise
  3. ? am revising
I _______________ to London tomorrow night.
  1. ? am flying
  2. ? am going to fly
  3. ? will fly
I_____________________ home after this lesson.
  1. ? am going to go
  2. ? am going
  3. ? will
I'm going home. I___________ you tomorrow. Bye!
  1. ? will see
  2. ? am going to see
  3. ? am seeing
What ________________ at the weekend?
  1. ? will you do
  2. ? are you doing
  3. ? are you going to do
Can you lend me five hundred dollars? I __________ you back on Friday.
  1. ? am going to pay
  2. ? am paying
  3. ? will pay
__________________ married before you're 30?
  1. ? Will you get
  2. ? Do you think you will get
  3. ? Are you getting
  4. ? Are you going to get
Quizzes - multiple choice / short answer

Future tenses quiz 4: will, going to, present continuous, future continuous, future perfect.
Eighteen-question multiple-choice quiz. Includes will, going to, present continuous, future continuous, and future perfect.

Future tenses quiz 5 - Advanced
Twenty-question Multiple-choice quiz. All main forms of expressing the future + was going to / be about to / future time clauses with present and present perfect tenses.