Civil Service List Certification

A List Certification includes the names of eligible candidates on an Active Civil Service List that has been established. The Certification may contain part of a list, the whole list, or multiple lists at the request of an appointing agency, to fill vacancies and/or replace provisionals. Eligible candidates on a Certification may be considered for probable appointment at the appointing Agency. For more information visit DCAS’ “Work for the City” webpage at:

Tags: civil service, list, title, dcas, certification, department of citywide administrative services, ogc, office of general counsel, fbm, fiscal and business management, cts, construction and technical services, dem, department of energy management, hc, human capital, fm, facilities management, res, eal estate services, cei, citywide equity and inclusion, admin, fleet, ocp, office of citywide procurement

This dataset has the following 21 columns: